nilagang baka or beef stew. we were able to purchase beef ribs from the grocery since we are refraining from eating pork due to the swine flu outbreak. it has been a long time since we had beef in our meal.

this already taste really good but k would have preferred if i added tomato sauce/paste. hehehe... the beef ribs were cooked over low heat for 2 hours with tomato, ginger, garlic, onion, salt and pepper. that even made the soup really tasty.
6 pcs. beef short ribs
1 thumb-size ginger
2 cloves garlic
1 small onion, quartered
1 medium tomato, quartered
salt and pepper
1 small red bell pepper, sliced
1 small green bell pepper, sliced
1 medium potato, peeled and sliced
1 medium carrots, chopped
1 handful string beans, sliced into 2" long
6 pcs. young corn
3 cabbage leaves, quartered
boil the beef ribs with ginger, tomato, onion, garlic and salt and pepper. bring to simmer and continue cooking the beef over low heat until tender. you might be able to keep on adding water along the way.
once tender, add the carrots and potato. cook until slightly tender.
then add the bell peppers and young corns. season with salt and pepper to taste. cook for about 5 minutes.
then turn off the heat and add the cabbage and string beans and then cover for a few minute. the heat from the soup will be the one to cook the cabbage and string beans just right, still crunchy.
serve hot
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¹ you can use beef broth.
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