i was eager to buy a grill pan so that i could grill even inside the house and it has been a while since i was craving to buy one. now that i owned a grill pan (thanks to k), i was so excited to try it with the grilled chicken wrap, or fajitas, or sandwich...
1 chicken breast, sliced into 2
salt and pepper
1 tomato, seeded and sliced
1 cucumber, sliced into thin strips
1 small white onion, sliced thinly
cheddar cheese, sliced thinly
4 leaves, romaine lettuce¹
2 tbsp. mayonnaise
1 tsp. lemon juice
2 pcs. flour tortillas
season chicken with salt, pepper and cumin. rest for a few minutes.
mix the mayonnasie and lemon juice. set aside.
heat grill pan and coat with a little oil. grill chicken until cooked. rest for a few minutes before slicing into thin pieces. set aside.
grill the flour tortillas both sides just until heated and you could see the grill marks.
assemble: line a cutting board with foil/wax paper. lay a flour tortilla. spread with mayonnaise-lemon mixture. then lay 1 lettuce leaves on the center (horizontally). put the grilled chicken slices on over the lettuce leaves. then put tomato, cucumber, onion and cheese on top. top with another lettuce leaves. fold bottom of the flour tortilla to the center, the top to the center and the right side to the center. then wrap with the foil/wax paper until secured.
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