i saw this bunt cake recipe at blog chef's foodblog and since i have the ingredients in my kitchen and i have a new bunt pan, i tried the recipe. i was glad on the outcome and it looks similar the bunt cake of blog chef. hehehe... i specially enjoyed the glazing part, it's my first time to do glazing. i'm just happy to have a successful bunt cake for my first attempt. lol...
my bunt cake turned out to be moist with crunchy crust and with a lemony kick on it. k said that it's delicious but it's too lemony for me and you can really taste the 7-up. maybe i should have just added 1 tbsp. lemon extract and 1/2 cup 7-up. but if you're into citrus, then you'll definitely enjoy this cake. m also liked it and that's good to know.
you can view the recipe here. i just adjusted a bit.
1-1/2 cup butter, soften at room temperature
3 cups white sugar
5 eggs
3 cups all purpose flour
2 tbsp. lemon extract
3/4 cup 7 up¹
for the glaze:
2/3 cup powdered sugar
2 tbsp. lemon juice
pre-heat the oven to 230°C. in a large bowl cream butter and sugar for 20 minutes. add eggs one at a time beating and scraping the sides and bottom after each addition. add flour and lemon extract. fold in 7 up. pour into a greased bunt cake pan.
bake for 1 hour and 10 minutes or until a tooth pick comes out clean. remove from oven and allow to cool.
to make glaze:
in a bowl mix powered sugar and lemon juice.
when the cake has cooled drizzle the glaze over it.
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¹ if you don’t want to use 7-Up any carbonated lemon-lime beverage will work as well.
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