Sunday, April 19, 2009

chiken frank pastry puff

i was looking for molo wrapper in the supermarket when i saw this package of pastry puff. i'm not exactly sure how to use it even if there's direction at the back of the package. it’s like ready-made pastry dough, you just have to put your desired filling and bake in the oven and it’s done.

m didn’t eat his baon at school since a classmate celebrated his/her birthday and they were treated with spaghetti. so his chicken frank was neglected. this was what i used in filling my pastry puff. i rolled the pastry puff dough in a slightly floured surface as to my prefered thickness. then i cut 2" x 2" square. placed the chicken frank diagonally at the center. fold the opposite corners together to meet at the center. pinch a bit to secure. brushed with eggwash. placed in a foil lined baking sheet. first baked in a preheated 230°C oven for 20 minutes but when i took it out of the oven, it's not nicely browned yat. so i placed it back into the oven for another 10 minutes.

it went out well for the first time user. maybe tomorrow i’ll try pizza filling on my pastry puff… why not? hehehe…

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have a nice day pipol...

1 comment:

  1. my co-worker whose fr. india she use pastry puff for baklava and another co-worker use it to make pigs in a blanket.
